
Uit EekBoek
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Dit is een nederlandstalig voorbeeld van een AppData bestand (underscores toegevoegd, omdat de tags zonder deze underscores geinterpreteerd worden):

<id type="desktop">???.desktop</id>
<project_license>AGPL and GPL-1+</project_license>
<summary>Personal and business accounting</summary>

<_p>Eekboek is financial accounting software for small and medium-sized enterprises based using European style bookkeeping.

<_p>Feature list:


<_li>Open source accounting and bookkeeping software that runs on Windows, Linux and MacOS. <_li>Accessible through the command line interface (CLI) or a graphical user interface. <_li>Supports the creation of income tax, corporate tax, VAT and other tax filings. <_li>Supports opening balances, end of year bookings, P&L, accounts payables, accounts receivables, journals. <_li>Customisable by creating your own extensions, for example the administration scheme is completely customisable.

<_p>EekBoek is for business owners who want to do their own bookkeeping, even without accounting experience. 
It is robust, database driven, reliable and compliant with accepted accounting practices. 
EekBoek is used by many small entreprises to do their bookkeeping and prepare Dutch income tax, corporate, VAT and other taxes. 
EekBoek is platform independent and supports multiple users. 

EekBoek is included with several Linux systems such as Fedora, Debian and Ubuntu as a standard package.


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<url type="homepage">scrshots/index.html</url>